I specialize in solving business and user problems by crafting compelling design solutions.
My design process is a hands on user-centered design approach where i seamlessly blend research and collaboration to craft design solutions that align with business the user needs.
I was in charge of the design, research, strategy, ideation, wireframing, prototype creation, and testing functionality of the Budgety Mobile app with internal stakeholders and users, which solves the problem of tracking your finances in an easy and fun way.
I was also in charge of the design of the product's official website, whose main goal is to communicate the product offering and functionalities in a clear, distinct, and well-organized layout.
Through in-depth research and brainstorming with the CEO, I collaborated with the CEO and content creators to define the brand identity and look and feel of the brand, in order to effortlessly attract the target market.
I led the team that designed Checkin's resolution center; deliverables included research, requirement definition, and application visual design. The resolution center's purpose is to assist hosts and visitors in reporting any anomalies, such as missing or damaged items, after they have checked into someone's apartment, or booked a car.
I was part of the 3 man design team that put together the Checkin Design system, which includes at least 20 distinct components, as well as the brand style guide and usage manual, in order to enable scalability, rapid improvement, consistency, better knowledge sharing, and improved code and design quality across the board.
I worked on the research, user journey mapping, user flows of various features, and the information architecture of Checkin's email marketing solution. The artifacts help to remove bias from the user experience design process, make informed decisions when brainstorming and prototyping, and ensure that the requirement and problem space are completely understood by the entire product team.