Work History
Personal Information
Seraphine Ramto Olanya

Seraphine Ramto Olanya

Project Management Expert
Koro, Gulu


Multidisciplinary and team-oriented program and operations management professional with demonstrated expertise in program management, strategic planning, resource mobilization, project design, quality assurance, M & E management, finance/accounting, grants management, budgetary controls, procurement management, contracts and compliance, general administration and human resources management, supply chains and commodity management as well as sub-awards management. I have had progressive responsibility with excellent accomplishments in humanitarian work in sub-Saharan Africa with over 25 years of experience on a number of projects funded through international donors, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Department for International Development (Now FCDO) (UK), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and BMZ and KfW and USDA. I am an accomplished, well-seasoned leader with demonstrated professional history in execution of multi-million-dollar development projects, ranging from livelihoods and food security, agriculture, WASH, health & nutrition, disaster/emergency response, resilience & recovery, governance and infrastructure works. I have established, nurtured and managed cohesive and very effective teams that successfully managed complex agricultural and livelihood, health & nutrition, infrastructural projects as well as multi-sectoral rural development programs at senior management level. I am an excellent leader with strong interpersonal skills, impeccable level of integrity, good networking and collaboration skills, attention to details and quest for results. Personable and solution-focused professional with strong aptitude for leadership and strategic decision-making. Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of team management and operational oversight, coupled with expertise in conflict resolution and resource optimization. Dedicated to driving organizational success through effective communication and collaborative problem-solving.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Deputy Chief of Party

RTI International, FSNR
Monrovia, Liberia
03.2023 - Current
  • Feed the Future Liberia Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience activity (FSNR) –RTI International, Monrovia Liberia
  • Spearheaded and provided technical oversight during the FSNR Project launch/start up process, coordination with the key stakeholders and donor and rollout of implementation
  • Managing the development of the implementation work plan, planning and coordination of gender, youth and social inclusion assessment, baseline survey and beneficiary enrollment
  • Supported the recruitment of the technical staff – Nutrition and SC Specialist, Storage and Processing specialist, Food security and Resilience Specialist and Private Sector/Market Specialist
  • Developed scope of work and data collection tools for Food environment and market systems analysis and supported the development of the call for applications for the bids
  • Reviewed and contextualized the RTI grants manual to Liberia context and developed scope of work for consultant to conduct resilience capacity assessment
  • Developed tools for stakeholders mapping and provided technical oversight during stakeholders mapping, conducted stakeholders’ consultation and managed project introduction with the line Ministry and local authorities at the counties
  • Contributed to the establishment of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system and environmental monitoring and mitigation plan (EMMP)
  • Managed compilation of quarterly and annual report for submission to USAID, and all activity deliverables
  • Working with Ministry of health nutrition division to support the development of Nutrition SBC and national recipe Book
  • Coordination with consortium partners, FAO, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social protection, coordinating meetings and technical working groups as well as other stakeholders/implementing agencies
  • Oversaw departmental operations and increased efficiency 30% to reduce costs for the project
  • Built strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders to enhance collaboration and drive positive outcomes.
  • Promoted a safe work environment by establishing comprehensive safety procedures and conducting routine inspections.
  • Improved department efficiency by streamlining processes and implementing new technology solutions.

Deputy Chief of Party

Catholic Relief Servicse(CRS)
Kampala, Uganda
02.2021 - 03.2023
  • Managed and spearheaded Project launch/start up process, coordination with the key stakeholders and donor
  • Coordinated the development of activities work plan, budget forecast and performance management plan
  • Contributed to the development of scope of work and supported the baseline study process
  • Developed systems/processes and proposal evaluation criteria for sub-recipient and Vanilla Innovation Funds partners
  • Developed grants manual Vanilla Innovation Funds Grants and managed the award process and contracts/agreements for the innovation funds
  • Developed operation plans and budget tracking system for the Project
  • Conducted pre-award assessment for 4 partners/sub-recipients and managed the sub-award agreement and contract process
  • Managed coordination with the ministry of Ministry of Agriculture, Animal husband & Fisheries
  • Compiled of bi-annual reports – financial and narrative report

Chief of Party, Response Manager/Interim Operations Director

World Vision International, Sudan
Khartoum, Sudan
04.2020 - 01.2021
  • KfW Project/Covid-, Developed response plan and strategy, and led resource mobilization for covid 19 response, realized more than $2 million dollars for covid 19 emergency response
  • Developed operation plans for the response, managed recruitment processes and start up for the emergency response projects in Sudan
  • Provided leadership and worked with World Vision supported health centers in Sudan to strengthen operational capacities of health centers in South Darfur, East =Darfur, South Kordofan
  • Supported procurement of PPEs, vaccines and medical equipment for covid 19 response in Sudan, and developed tracking system fast moving medical supplies during the response period
  • In collaboration with medical coordinator hired medical interns and supported development of supply chain systems for replenishment of medical supplies
  • Deputizing Country Director and providing leadership for the country program, managing the program as well as operation team
  • Managed and re-purposed funds for floods and Covid 19 in South Kodofan, South Darfur and East Darfur, transforming recovery programs into emergency projects to respond to floods, covid 19 and tribal clashes/conflicts
  • Managed coordination with the ministry of health and UN agencies- OCHA, WHO, UNICEF and UNHCR on the response task force to support Sudan response
  • Development and implementation of effective & efficient strategies for procurements of PPEs, constructions of isolation centers, supplies of drugs and trainings of front line staff in the response
  • Management of field offices and consortium partners, directing and supporting field operations
  • Managed donor reporting for all grants including the covid -19 grants, submitted periodic SitRep

Chief of Party

World Vision International, Sudan
Nyala, South Darfur
10.2018 - 03.2020
  • Managed the 10.5m Euros, The South Darfur Livelihoods and Agricultural Development project awarded to World Vision Sudan by providing strategic direction and managing the project according to the design and agreed deliverables
  • Managed project startup, compiled inception report, hired consultants and key personnel and managed stakeholders’ startup workshops
  • Spearheaded the project revision/re-alignment exercise and restructure and obtained approval from host country government and the donor to allow 2-year project extension
  • Maintained strong and effective working relationships with clients/stakeholders, government of Sudan, State of South Darfur, partners/sub-grantees and UN agencies
  • Occasionally delegated as acting Country Director and ably supporting the leadership team whenever delegated to act as Country Director
  • Supporting and coordinating the development and approval of programs technical agreement(TAs), memorandum of understandings with the state government of south Darfur, Line Ministries and Humanitarian Aid Commission
  • Development and implementation of effective/efficient risk mitigation strategies for procurements and constructions works and establishment of mechanism for periodic risk assessment with appropriate mitigating measures and strategies for the project
  • Development of detail implementation plan and, M & E framework and scope of work for baseline study, feasibility and value chain analysis and management of data collection processes/analysis
  • Managed the pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for major infrastructure works, baseline study and value chain analysis
  • Managing sub-recipients, coordination with government Ministry at the state as well as federal government and consultants
  • Supported and managed the tendering processes and contracts for construction works for roads, micro-dams, Smallholder dairy value chain processing centers, and veterinary clinics
  • Overseeing financial planning and spending, ensuring payment requests were done according to approved expenditure plans and submitted in a timely manner
  • Act as the focal point for all internal and external stakeholders including World Vision Germany, UN agencies, HAC, other NGOs and Government representatives
  • Responsible for both programmatic and financial reporting of the project

Associate Consultant

Uganda Management Institute, UMI
Kampala, N/A
11.2010 - 10.2018
  • Developed training materials and conducted training and lectures at the school of Business and management studies
  • Supported the development of new curriculum and research processes at the school of Business and management studies
  • Supported the supervision of research processes of post graduate student at the school of Business and management studies
  • Management and processing of examinations, course works, tests and graduation processes
  • Supporting the academic registrar and PRO in management of graduation processes

Deputy Chief of Party

Monrovia, Liberia
02.2016 - 02.2017
  • Provided technical oversight and strategic direction to CNFA-USAID/LADA (Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity)
  • Successfully managed USAID/CNFA-LADA’s 19.3m “Feed the Future initiative” awarded to CNFA in Liberia, sitting in as acting Chief of Party
  • Developed, managed and tracked budget performances in line with donor requirements
  • Developed, established and managed the systems, policies and procedures for the 19.3m project and ensured operational efficiency
  • Supervised and provided technical oversight to Director Finance, HR/OD Manager, Grants and Compliance Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager, Managed the project start-up processes- identification of office space, managed the renovations, tender processes for constructions and renovations of field offices, recruitment of key personnel, and registration with the government of Liberia as well as project rollout
  • Provided oversight during internal data quality assessment (DQA) and program audit to ensure data quality assurance
  • Designed and managed the operations strategy and supported the development of the performance management plan (PMP) for the program
  • Provided technical oversight and strategic direction to the implementation team to accomplish program strategic objectives and mandates as per funding agreement
  • Managed coordination with line ministries that included the ministries of labour, finance, trade and commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, foreign affairs and the county authorities to have the project an efficient and effective project execution
  • Contributed to the development of the detail implementation plan, M & E plan and the ‘launch event’ that involved all the partners, USAID(the donor), government agencies including ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders
  • Developed policy manuals and established systems and procedures for the project.

Deputy Chief of Party/Acting Chief of Party

Monrovia, Liberia
02.2014 - 02.2016
  • Managed and provided strategic direction and Leadership to the USAID $40m Multi-Year assistance Program (MYAP) AND $8.99m(Ebola response) ERRP Program awarded to ACDI/VOCA in Liberia, directly managing program operations, as substantive Deputy chief of Party, and later Acting Chief of Party
  • Supervised the renovation and restocking of health facilities supported under USAID LAUNCH in Bong and Nimba counties in Liberia
  • Worked with the consortium partners to improve operation efficiency of supported health facilities, improved time management, staff turnover and significantly improved antenatal attendance as well as confidence in the local midwives and birth attendance
  • Managed the coordination with ACDI/VOCA regional office, home office, USAID, the AOR, liaison with the government line ministries and other stakeholders and consortium members
  • Worked with the commodity manager to develop commodity management strategy, commodity distribution work plans and commodity tracking tools
  • Represented ACDI/VOCA in various forums and provided sustainable platform for information sharing with the host country government, ACDI/VOCA head office, regional offices and the donor
  • Worked with and provided support to the regional Gender Specialist and contributed to the formulation of the gender strategy and policy for ACDI/VOCA LAUNCH as well as eventual implementation of the policy
  • Managed the re-organization and restructuring process after midterm evaluation and successfully re-aligned the program to successful completion
  • Managed the tendering processes for feeder road project and the contract award and supervised the execution of the road works, ensuring excellent implementation of the road contracts
  • Participated in the preparation process for final evaluation from the development of the scope of work through the contractual process as well as guiding the process of compiling inception report
  • Improved on and strengthened the internal control system as well as the control environment thus significantly reduced incidences of fraud and questionable cost
  • Improved on operational efficiency in providing support services to development programs in project areas
  • Reviewed and amended the grants policy manual and designed reporting template for sub-recipients and in-kind grantees
  • Developed staff capacity building plan and rolled out the plan that enabled to bridge up performance gaps thus leading to attainment of better results
  • Instituted effective budget tracking system and compiled and submitted all necessary financial and program reports including the quarterly and annual results reports.
  • Enhanced team collaboration through regular communication and cross-functional initiatives.

Deputy Chief of Party

Freetown, Sierra Leone
09.2011 - 01.2014
  • Led ACDI/VOCA – SNAP, USAID $60m PL 480 Title II Food Security Program, Sierra Leone
  • Successfully managed USAID’s $60m dollars program, supervised, and provided technical oversight to the program, managing a consortium of six sub-recipients
  • Served as the Deputy Chief of Party, occasionally acting as Chief of Party, overseeing and managing the ACDI/VOCA Title II program in Sierra Leone
  • Over the period assumed higher representational responsibilities, serving as the Chief of Party demonstrating high level of competence in steering the Sierra Leone program
  • Equally, successfully represented ACDI/VOCA interests during meetings with USAID Mission personnel, U.S
  • Embassy staff, host-country government officials, consortium members, international organizations, indigenous and international NGOs, international donors, and other program stakeholders
  • In collaboration with IMC managed and improved pharmaceutical logistics and medical equipment supplies within SNAP supported health facilities, supplied fridges and boxes for handling vaccines
  • Supported the repairs of maternal homes and furnishing of the health facilities and eventual handover to ministry of health
  • Contributed to the development and implementation of project strategy and providing an integrated program approach to further promote cohesion in activities and maximize resource utilization
  • Provided leadership to the tender committee for the monetization of program commodity in line with USAID requirements
  • Managed liaison and played representational responsibilities with governmental agencies and USAID offices in Sierra Leone and Washington, DC; thus leading to improved relationship between the government ministries and the Program
  • Developed effective Communication mechanism to improve coordination, collaboration and networking thus regularly shared program information with relevant stakeholders, USAID project managers, bilateral donors, UN Agencies and other indigenous and international NGOs to ensure visibility of ACDI/VOCA-SNAP Program activities
  • Managed program review process leading execution of the Midterm evaluation exercise, annual results survey and production of annual result reports for two consecutive years
  • Contributed to creation of high-level and productive working environment, allowing for synergies among departments as well as consortium staff members
  • Managed staff and spearheaded recruitment drive for key program staff, Coached, mentored, and evaluated staff to ensure program success and further developed staff capacity building plan and provided support to selected staff development efforts in line with policy requirements
  • Worked with Ministry of health to maintain consistent supply of essential drugs and supplies to supported health facilities
  • Worked with all relevant stakeholders to develop a strategy to engage PM2A beneficiaries in ACDI/VOCA food security and livelihoods projects
  • Developed organizational structure and streamlined human resources need to match program strategic objectives and revised the personnel policy manual and obtained the approval of Ministry of Labor of the government of Sierra Leone
  • Strengthened office support procedures and eliminated operational bottle-necks thus substantially improving efficiency and effective in implementation
  • Managed and improved the security of program assets by putting proper security measures in place by contracting credible security services firm
  • Spearheaded development of contingency plan and security protocol during the emergency response for the country program
  • Managed and ensured compliance among key staff with all corporate and local ACDI/VOCA policies and procedures and developed all the necessary policy documents and strengthened procedures thus improving the control environment and compliance with the policies
  • Supported the development and compilations of program and commodity reports for submission to the donor and government line ministries and ACDI/VOCA HQ.

Financial Compliance and Management Specialist, Food Security Program

Kampala , Uganda
03.2008 - 09.2011
  • Supported the startup up of ACDI/VOCA – USAID PL 480 Title II, Directly managed the USAID’s $74m program with grants component of $23m, supporting up to 22 sub-recipients, managing and controlling the entire budget and providing all necessary technical oversight including sub-grantees training and capacity building
  • Supervised the Grants and Development unit; and provided able leadership in steering the department and directing, controlling and managing the 23 million grants component of the MYAP
  • Managed the grants portfolio and provided project management oversight of all grants extended to the sub-grantees and partners ACDI/VOCA, participating in the pre-ward survey, providing professional guidance to technical review committee during award as well as implementation process
  • Worked with the Commodity team and supervised the preparation of monthly and quarterly commodity report, including the web-based quarterly commodity report (QWCKER)
  • Coordinated the planning and organizations of sub-grantees’ review meeting and provided feedback on matters arising from such meetings to the sub-grantees and partners and developed action plans to be shared with the sub-recipients
  • Developed training materials and conducted trainings on best practices in financial management, accounting, grants and project management to the sub-grantees and partners
  • Conducted periodic monitoring of the utilization of the grants to ensure proper application in line with the respective sub-grantees and partners agreements
  • Carried out pre-award assessment of the sub-recipients and managed the proposal development processes and the sub-awards
  • Spearheaded the review of the grants policy at ACDI/VOCA and established tracking and monitoring systems for all sub-grantees and partners of ACDI/VOVA in Uganda
  • Facilitated the set-up of internal control system of the sub-recipient and continuous mentoring of the sub-grantees’ staff in program financial management and general administration
  • Conducted quarterly trainings of the sub-grantees’ finance staff and project managers in ‘financial management for non-finance managers’, procurement, and project monitoring
  • Carried out financial planning for grants and development unit and ensured that all planned activities are executed in line with the program strategic objective as provided for in the MYAP document and approved PREP for each year of implementation
  • Managed the acquisition process of program assets acquired and availed to the sub-grantees and partners for purposes of furthering the program interest
  • Spearheaded the selection of external auditors to conduct annual audit and financial reviews of the sub-grantees and partners as well as the implementation of the audit recommendation
  • Managed the rural feeder roads rehabilitation portfolio from planning, budgeting contracting and monitoring of the roads works
  • Conducted continuous budget analysis and periodically prepared cash flow projections for the grants and development unit
  • Took lead and participated in the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual program and financial report for ACDI/VOCA Uganda program
  • Managed service contracts and Fixed obligation grants contracts for sub-grantees that graduated from cost reimbursable grants to fixed obligation grants
  • Provided technical support to sub-grantees in institutional development and assisted the sub-recipients to resolve outstanding governance issues.

Head of Finance & Administration

Nowergian Peoples' Aid(NPA)
Juba, South Sudan
01.2007 - 12.2007
  • Set up the Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) office in Juba, and established operation system, managing the reopening of the program after disruption by conflict
  • Managed NPA budgets from all institutional donors including USAID, Government of Norway, Multi-Donor Trust Fund, OFDA, USDA, UNHCR, UNICEF and DFID
  • Established financial management and budget control and monitoring system in line with policy and compliance requirements
  • Manage the logistics for renovation and furnishing of Yei referral health center
  • Established internal control systems and produced policy manuals including financial and accounting manuals, grants policy, HR policy and asset management policy to govern the smooth running of NPA program in South Sudan
  • Managed the set up and implementation of aggresso accounting and financial system
  • Conducted pre-award survey, managed the vetting process of all grants applications and proposals, and coordinated budgetary processes as the budget for sub-grantees
  • Managed all service contracts for and provided liaison between contractors and NPA
  • Set up security protocol, and managed the evacuation process in the troubled areas where NPA staff needed to be evacuated
  • Verified partner’s memorandum of understanding and approved funds disbursements in line with the program strategy and policy requirements
  • Participated in the development, rollout and implementation of strategic five-year strategic plan
  • Processed work permit for all expatriate staff and coordinated with government authorities to obtain operation permit for NPA
  • Handled the liaison and coordination responsibility between the Norwegian People’s Aid and Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS).

Regional Finance Officer

ActionAid International
Lira, Uganda
07.2005 - 12.2006
  • Managed Actionaid’s Northern Regional office with annual budget of about $2m, supporting local partners and CBOs
  • Mobilized and Participated in the “Get-on-Board” advocacy campaign and led the Northern Regional team and managed the function at the monument site at Bar Lonyo where LRA massacred several people
  • Carried out the planning, management and control of finance and administrative function of the regional office and provided backstopping roles to the Regional Program Manager
  • Ensured effective control and utilization of all program resources and continuously conducted assessment in order to maintain reasonable level of operational efficiency
  • Prepared regional budget and carried out quarterly budget analysis in line with the country strategy paper
  • Monitored and controlled all the finance and administrative function as well as the grants component of the districts within the program geographic coverage
  • Provided technical support in Sun accounting software to the district finance team and conducted performance appraisal of all the finance staff within the location
  • Periodically reviewed and conducted system audit to ensure data integrity of the financial information posted into the Sun system
  • Prepared the annual budgets and input it into the Sun system, consolidated the district budgets and cash flows projections and obtained the necessary approval and monitored the budgetary performance as required by the grants agreements
  • Supported the re-structuring process of ActionAid Uganda and participated in the competence profiling and the re-design of the staff job description
  • Supported the local partners to carry out organization self-assessment to map out their long term strategic objective and development sustainability mechanism.

Finance and Administration Officer

Gulu, Uganda
01.2004 - 06.2005
  • Managed the construction and furnishing as well as the commissioning of GUSCO’s multimillion reception centre that served at the rehabilitation centre for the formerly abducted children in Northern Uganda
  • Managed work scheduling, resource mobilization and procurement for the construction of the reception centre rehabilitation of formally updated child soldiers supported with funding from DFID
  • Coordinated the Psycho- social support and overall operation of the reception centre
  • Established and implemented sound financial/accounting system as well as HR system and introduced Pastel accounting software that improved efficiency and effectiveness by over 60%
  • Managed the sub-award process to local CBOs and conducted periodic monitoring of the grants
  • Carried out capacity building for finance team and mentored the person who later became the finance and administration officer when I resigned
  • Produced budgets and conducted budget analysis for all projects implemented by GUSCO during the period
  • Spearheaded the development of a five-year strategic plan for GUSCO and the Children of War Rehabilitation Centre financed by DANIDA
  • Produced and submitted all monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports to the donors and board of directors
  • Streamlined procurement problems and eliminated procurement malpractice and ironed out bottlenecks in the procurement process
  • Provided backstopping role for the Program Coordinator and handled recruitment process and other human resources function of the organization.
  • Optimized resource allocation through effective budget management, resulting in reduced operational costs.


Inspectorate of Government, IGG
Kampala, Uganda
07.1999 - 12.2003
  • Established and implemented financial/accounting system in the regional office in line with the policy of the inspectorate of government and government standing orders
  • Managed the finances of the inspectorate and maintained the statutory books of accounts and made monthly financial reports to head office
  • Participated in the annual budget conferences and retreats organized by ministry of finance and the inspectorate of government
  • Conducted investigations into cases of frauds and corruption in government institutions in line with the mandate of the inspectorate of government
  • Participated in compilations of evidences for prosecutions, and together with the team secured high profile prosecution and eventual conviction of the culprits
  • Participated in screening of files for presentation to the Director of public prosecution and Solicitor General for sanctioning and guidance.

Internal Auditor

Spear Motors Ltd
Kampala, Uganda
01.1998 - 06.1999
  • Carried out systems evaluation and conducted periodic audit on continuous basis
  • Drew up audit work plan and conducted audits and frauds investigations managed prosecutions based on audit evidences gathered single-handedly during the audit exercise
  • Supported the Finance Manager in the preparation of annual accounts for submission to the board of directors
  • Reviewed the internal audit manual and coached the audit assistants assigned to the subsidiary
  • Enforced the implementation of external audit recommendation and continuously monitored the efficiency internal control systems and the control environment
  • Took lead in the merger process of GM Company and TUMPECO Ltd and managed the restructuring process after the merger


MBA - Finance And Accounting

Islamic University in Uganda
Kampala, Uganda
10.2003 - 06.2006

Post Graduate Diploma - Public Administration & Management

Uganda Management Institute
Kampala, Uganda
08.2008 - 09.2009

Diploma in Business Studies - Accounting And Finance

National College of Business Studies
Kampala, Uganda
10.1992 - 01.1995

Bachelor of Business Studies - Accounting

Islamic University in Uganda
Mbale, Uganda
08.2000 - 07.2003


  • Project Design, work planning and coordination

  • Project start up, Implementation and closeout

  • Agribusiness management and capacity building

  • Food and market systems development and programming

  • Grants and compliance management

  • Program management and leadership, Budgets and donor reporting

  • Organization development, Policy formulation and team building and capacity development

  • Networking, communications and influencing

  • Partnership/consortium management, and resource mobilization

  • Leadership, technical oversight, monitoring and strategic planning

Personal Information

  • Nationality: Ugandan
  • Marital Status: Married


  • 12/2018, Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
  • 04/2008, USAID Rules and Regulations, APVFMO (Inside NGO), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • 10/2006, Gender Analysis & Women’s Rights, Action Aid International, Kampala, Uganda
  • 02/2002, Detecting and Preventing fraud and Corruption: Using Accounting and Auditing Techniques, Management Training & Advisory Centre, Kampala
  • 11/2001, Preventing and Detecting Procurement related Malpractices, Management Training & Advisory Centre, Kampala
  • 08/1999, Fraud Investigation, Prosecution and Management, Inspectorate of Government, Kampala


  • Uganda
  • Kenya
  • South Sudan
  • Sierra Leone
  • Liberia
  • Sudan


  • Hired, developed talents and directly supervised technical experts and built strong and cohesive teams
  • Managed project startup and closeout for multimillion dollar projects funded by different donors, e.g. USAID, DANIDA, DFID, UN agencies, EU and other government agencies
  • Successfully led food security and nutrition, Livelihoods and resilience as well as agricultural infrastructure development projects worth more than $150m cumulatively
  • Supported resource mobilization for both on development projects and emergency response for ebola and covid 19 pandemics
  • Established systems that improved operational efficiencies and overall accomplishment of project goals


Deputy Chief of Party

RTI International, FSNR
03.2023 - Current

Deputy Chief of Party

Catholic Relief Servicse(CRS)
02.2021 - 03.2023

Chief of Party, Response Manager/Interim Operations Director

World Vision International, Sudan
04.2020 - 01.2021

Chief of Party

World Vision International, Sudan
10.2018 - 03.2020

Deputy Chief of Party

02.2016 - 02.2017

Deputy Chief of Party/Acting Chief of Party

02.2014 - 02.2016

Deputy Chief of Party

09.2011 - 01.2014

Associate Consultant

Uganda Management Institute, UMI
11.2010 - 10.2018

Post Graduate Diploma - Public Administration & Management

Uganda Management Institute
08.2008 - 09.2009

Financial Compliance and Management Specialist, Food Security Program

03.2008 - 09.2011

Head of Finance & Administration

Nowergian Peoples' Aid(NPA)
01.2007 - 12.2007

Regional Finance Officer

ActionAid International
07.2005 - 12.2006

Finance and Administration Officer

01.2004 - 06.2005

MBA - Finance And Accounting

Islamic University in Uganda
10.2003 - 06.2006

Bachelor of Business Studies - Accounting

Islamic University in Uganda
08.2000 - 07.2003


Inspectorate of Government, IGG
07.1999 - 12.2003

Internal Auditor

Spear Motors Ltd
01.1998 - 06.1999

Diploma in Business Studies - Accounting And Finance

National College of Business Studies
10.1992 - 01.1995
Seraphine Ramto OlanyaProject Management Expert