JOURNAL ARTICLE, Financing Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in Nigerian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) A Study of Lagos State Polytechnic, Lawal, A.A., Williams, B.M., LASU JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, 1, 65-77, 2015 JOURNAL ARTICLE, The Status of Entrepreneurship Support Agencies (ESAs) in Lagos State, Nigeria, Lawal, A.A., Akingbade, W.A., Williams, B.M., IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 10, 853-881, 2017 JOURNAL ARTICLE, Technological Innovations and the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria, Williams, B.M., ICAN AMUWO JOURNAL, 7, 98-106, 2021 JOURNAL ARTICLE, Organisational Culture and Corporate Performance of Nigerian Insurance Companies in Lagos State, Nigeria, Olawore, O.P., Williams, B.M., Oloyede, F.A., Ogundele, S.A., Crawford Journal of Politics, 2, 113-136, 2021 JOURNAL ARTICLE, Microfinance Banking and Socio–Economic Development of Rural Communities in Nigeria, Adeyemi, S.O., Williams, B.M., Oladele, M., Lagos Banker, 4, 16-20, 2021 JOURNAL ARTICLE, Goal Setting: A panacea for Increasing Organisational Performance in the Manufacturing Industry, Olawore, O.P., Ogundele, S.A., Williams, B.M., Wahid, K.O., Mountain Top University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, 3, 20-25, 2022 JOURNAL ARTICLE, E Invigorating the Expansion Capacity of Small Manufacturing Firms Through Islamic Financing, Williams, B.M., Yusoff, M., International Journal of Business and Innovation Strategy, 17, 2, 2022