Work History

Abdigafar MOHAMOUD



A dedicated development professional with over 15 years’ experience in development work in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia & Kenya) and with national work experience with diverse range of organizations CARE, UNHCR, UNDP, NRC, KAALO and SVO, also in public sector in Somalia. Strong leadership skills in managing diverse program teams and clients and have extensive gender transformative programming. A strong experience and knowledge in building strategic relationships with different partners and stakeholders such as partner Government, Peer Agencies, donors, UN agencies, local Authorities and communities. Strong technical expertise in program design and delivery, program strategy, funding, monitoring and evaluation of development and emergency programs. Extensive experience and expertise to ensure right people, systems, procedures and policies are in place to deliver programs and the desired change. Rich experience in managing complex donor funds: USAID, EU, DFID, GAC, BMZ, Dutch MOFA, and ensuring donor compliance, overseeing procurement and other support functions. Experienced Program Manager with background in leading diverse teams to accomplish project objectives. Strengths include strategic planning, process improvement, and stakeholder management. Known for leveraging technical skills to improve organizational efficiency and drive project success. Previous work contribution includes streamlining processes for improved productivity and implementing innovative program strategies that increased overall performance.


years of professional experience

Work History

Program Manager, Education and Gender Equality

01.2020 - 01.2024
  • Work with the EGE team in Somalia to identify opportunities for new projects supporting gender equality scale and integration in the women literacy and girls’ education system in key areas, including mentoring and gender-transformative life-skills, VSLAs and lead all aspects of the project design, budgeting and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and scaling in collaboration with the identified national Government partners
  • Recommend appropriate staffing arrangement for scale-up initiatives, as and when relevant, track and analyze scale initiatives’ results and propose relevant solutions to maximize scale and integration results
  • Provide input and support business development opportunities in collaboration with the global Development team as related to donor engagement, reporting, and proposal writing for scale-up projects
  • Provide inputs to the annual workplan and budget as required, and coordinate and monitor the implementation of programme activities
  • Coordinate the call/request for proposals, including the organization of technical review committees, and capacity assessment of partners
  • Review and coordinate the submission of implementing partner financial and narrative reports
  • Through close collaboration with the EGE Coordinator, Deputy of Country Director-DCD-P, provide support and advice for EGE direct implementation in the areas of Education, governance and DRM through working national Government engagement, technical support, capacity building, contextualization, monitoring, and evaluation as well as suggest improvements in program design, when appropriate
  • Provide support and advice, where relevant, to increase/incorporate greater gender sensitivity and enhance gender equality outcomes of the program, including curriculum development, job creations to youth and women empowerment
  • Support the creation of knowledge-sharing systems to facilitate communication and learning in terms of national and sub-national Government engagement, integration of program components in the education system, and advocacy
  • Identify and take part in clusters, humanitarian platforms, and other fora advancing mentoring, life skills, women and girls’ education through skills trainings, and gender equality in Somalia
  • Collaborate across EGE progmans and Program Operations, People Operations, Finance, Research, Monitoring & Evaluation, Development & Communications, etc
  • In routine program planning, budgeting, monitoring, and reporting processes, including participating in regular calls with other departments
  • Responsible for the overall GEEPS project strategic leadership, program planning, formulation, design and development, implementation, monitoring and supervision and sequencing, layering and integration of other CARE humanitarian projects
  • Technical and programmatic implementation of the donor-approved scope, including Education and Gender Equality Pillar Activities
  • Communicating and leading facilitation with both internal (CARE) and external
  • Supported Project Cycle Management, including formulation, budgeting, integration with programme planning, proposal writing, fundraising, monitoring, and reporting
  • Worked closely with the government Ministries of Education, agriculture, environment and Ministry of interior to support program smooth implementation
  • Managed projects resource and ensure compliance with CARE & Donor regulations, formats and requirements and policies
  • Ensure progress against grant proposals/work plans
  • Coordinate grant management in collaboration with the project managers and Technical Advisors, and the Head of Offices of Mogadishu, Hargeisa, Garowe and Kismayu
  • Cultivated and maintained excellent and productive relations with the Government Ministries in line with the EGE programmes and other key stakeholders especially beneficiaries, local authorities and the humanitarian community

Durable Solution for Returnees, IDPs (DRIS) Manager

01.2017 - 01.2020
  • Provide overall direction for DRC Somalia’s approach to Durable Solutions (returns, relocation and local integration) ensuring this is in line with DRC policies, principles and approaches
  • Adapt and lead DRC Somalia Solutions strategy, including input into country results framework
  • Lead and coordinate in promoting robust data and evidence on country Durable Solutions to inform decision making for displaced affected communities, stakeholders, and government
  • Support all relevant durable solution staff to ensure appropriate Durable Solutions (DS) are mainstreamed throughout the Puntland programme, through field visits, increased information sharing, and the development of standardised tools, guidance and other support documents as needed
  • Develop localized training and guidance on durable solutions, in line with the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, IASC Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons, IASC guidelines and other tools to build collective awareness and understanding of principles relating to DS
  • Provide regular capacity building including workshops and trainings to DS team and relevant partners on DS-related issues
  • Provide a leading technical role in the development of new programmes with Durable Solutions-focused activities (e.g IDPs Housing Land and Property issues, community cohesion and self-reliance)
  • Develop tools, methodologies and processes related to DS programming, including planning, implementation and monitoring
  • Facilitate area-based approaches and self-reliance capacity building training to DRC in country staff as well as external partners/stakeholders
  • Carry out solutions mapping with communities, government and partners and identify social, political and economic barriers to solutions and self-reliance
  • Support development of area-based situational analysis and locations for targeted interventions
  • Promote and participate in joint humanitarian and development assessments, analysis and evidence building on challenges, with national and international partners to promoting harmonised Durable Solutions analysis
  • Identify strategic humanitarian/development/peace building partners and design joint programmatic collaboration to build national capacities and area-based approach for Solutions
  • Facilitate strengthening of national and local government-led platforms and capacity on solutions to forced displacement, in close coordination with human rights, humanitarian, development and peace-building actors

Technical Advisor, Durable Solution Sector Decentralization

Ministry of Interior, Puntland
01.2014 - 01.2016
  • Provide overall advisory level for Durable Solutions (returns, relocation and resilience and local integration) ensuring this is in line with Somalia policies, principles and approaches
  • Strengthen government leadership in addressing displacements
  • Facilitate durable solutions through planning, coordinating across sectors, delivering, and monitoring and oversight on durable solutions interventions implemented in the country
  • Support in the department for the building strategic prioritization of key durable solutions interventions in the National Development Plan, Social Development Pillar, program interventions and other relevant frameworks
  • Provide Ministry level technical assistance for the Implementation of the durable solution sector decentralization in line with the decentralization policy and roadmap, the national durable solution and resilience policy
  • Co-lead technical assistance in the design, implementation and monitoring of decentralized DS and Resilience service delivery in selected districts, in close collaboration and coordination with MoI, targeted local governments, other cluster members or relevant stakeholders
  • Provide technical support to Ministry of Interior on implementation of the DDR and DS policies and sector decentralization strategy which is a key priority area with a focus on the coordination and oversight of decentralized service delivery, ensuring that activities are coordinated, complementary and not overlapping
  • Provide Technical support needed to move the district disaster Risk Reduction and Durable Solution Management teams including the District Education level and liaise with other peer ministries

Programme Associate

01.2012 - 01.2014
  • Support the assessment and analysis of the needs of persons of concern in the country/region in a participatory manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective as basis for planning
  • Assist in managing the development of a broad network of partners, good coordination practices and the development of partner capacities related to programme management if applicable
  • Assist in organizing and documenting the selection of partners in accordance with the policy on selection and retention of partners, ensuring due diligence to meet the requirements of projects
  • Provide support to the field with technical advice to ensure partnership agreements are established in a timely manner, regularly monitored and reported on in compliance with established guidelines and procedures included in the framework for implementing with partners
  • Support the implementation and performance of partnership agreements through field visits and appropriate physical monitoring if applicable, reviewing performance and financial reports
  • Support the development and implementation of MFT monitoring plans for activities implemented through partnerships and those under direct implementation in line with Programme Manual and programming instructions
  • Contribute to the review and analysis of operations plans, mid-year and year-end reports of the different UNHCR offices, ensuring quality assurance and compliance with established policies, guidelines, procedures and standards
  • Generate and maintain records of implementation rate (performance progress and expenditures) on a regular basis
  • Facilitate humanitarian response on the onset crises and preparations of contingency planning based on cluster (shelter, livelihood and protection)
  • Follow up protection issues with authorities concerned, including legal cases concerning refugees, asylum-seekers and IDPs
  • Review, draft and provide inputs to the Programme project proposals in Puntland level
  • Support regional office initiate response to emergency in coordination with the Liaison Officer and the head of the Sub-Office

Field & Durable Solution Associate

01.2008 - 01.2011
  • Implement activities in accordance with the comprehensive solutions strategy, with a view to finding durable solutions to the maximum number of Person of concern such as IDPS and Refugees in Puntland through provision of education, health and protection
  • Participate in the planning of, and advise on opportunities for alternative solutions, including available regional and national legal frameworks
  • Field level responsible for advocacy on education to displaced people including refugees, IDPs and Returnees working under the direct supervision of the Education or Protection Officer
  • Participates in liaising with partners to assess the education context, to develop an implementation plan and to monitor the programme and assess impact
  • Work closely in collaboration with in-country education partners to improve access to, and quality of, refugee, IDPs, and Returnee education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, and may liaise with partners for joint support for education access for refugee and host community children
  • Supports the implementation of education approaches for emerging needs in refugee, IDPs, Returnees education, including attention to special needs, minorities, girls, pre-school education, and non-formal activities
  • Follow up academical transition and placement of adult refugees, IDPs through vocational technical centres
  • Monitor the implementation of the durable solutions strategy and provide advice for improvements
  • Analyse statistics, trends, and other documents, and draft reports

Administration Support Associate

01.2007 - 01.2008
  • Implementation of operational strategies and support to effective and efficient functioning of the unit (DRR’s office/operations unit/ administrative unit)
  • Support to administrative and logistical services and maintenance and assets management
  • Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing
  • Provision of inputs to the CO administrative business processes mapping and implementation of the internal standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Provision of inputs to preparation of administrative team results-oriented workplans
  • Contacts with visitors and staff, arrangement of appointments and meetings, acting as an interpreter when required and/or taking minutes
  • Compilation and preparation of briefing and presentation materials, speeches, background information and documentation for meetings and missions
  • Translation of simple correspondences, when needed
  • Support to organization of procurement processes including preparation of RFQs, ITBs or RFPs documents, receipt of quotations, bids or proposals, their preliminary evaluation
  • Preparation of POs
  • Support administrative support to conferences, workshops, retreats


Master of General Management - Project Management

University of Mysore

Master of Development Studies - Development Studies - Human Development

Jommo Kenyatta University-JKUAT
Nairobi, Kenya

Bachelor’s Degree - Business Administration And Management

SIMAD University


  • Organization and Planning Skills
  • Decision-making
  • Business strategies and budget management
  • Capacity to work effectively in high-pressure, rapidly changing environment
  • Good knowledge of UN and NGO mandates and programmes
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Risk Management
  • Managing performance
  • Project finance
  • Stakeholder management
  • Teamwork & collaboration
  • Agile projects
  • Team leadership
  • MS office applications
  • Portfolio asset management system
  • Project management
  • Business process mapping


  • Hamdi Abdullahi Ali, Hub-coordinator, Puntland, Somalia,
  • Ahmed Omar, Humanitarian Manager, CARE Kismayu,
  • Mohamed Salah Mohamed, Program Specialist, UNDP Mogadishu,


  • English, Fluent
  • Somali, Mother Tongue
  • Arabic, Basic


First Language
Proficient (C2)
Intermediate (B1)


- Strategic Management for humanitarian NGOs - MDF 2022

- Operation Management in Humanitarian Context – IASC UNHCR

- Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

- Programme Strategic Framework workshop,

- Project Design Monitoring & Evaluation practical training

- Camp Coordination and Camp Management Training, by UNHCR

- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse training by UNHCR and CARE

- Protection and Shelter Cluster Coordination and Management workshop, by UNHCR

- IDP Guiding Principles training, by UNHCR

- Management Shelter Cluster Approach Workshop, by UNHCR

- Humanitarian Effectiveness: Managing Vulnerability & Risk Mapping

- Humanitarian Negotiations - UNOCHA

- Organizational Management training, by CARE International;

- Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) UNHCR/NRC)


Program Manager, Education and Gender Equality

01.2020 - 01.2024

Durable Solution for Returnees, IDPs (DRIS) Manager

01.2017 - 01.2020

Technical Advisor, Durable Solution Sector Decentralization

Ministry of Interior, Puntland
01.2014 - 01.2016

Programme Associate

01.2012 - 01.2014

Field & Durable Solution Associate

01.2008 - 01.2011

Administration Support Associate

01.2007 - 01.2008

- Strategic Management for humanitarian NGOs - MDF 2022

- Operation Management in Humanitarian Context – IASC UNHCR

- Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

- Programme Strategic Framework workshop,

- Project Design Monitoring & Evaluation practical training

- Camp Coordination and Camp Management Training, by UNHCR

- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse training by UNHCR and CARE

- Protection and Shelter Cluster Coordination and Management workshop, by UNHCR

- IDP Guiding Principles training, by UNHCR

- Management Shelter Cluster Approach Workshop, by UNHCR

- Humanitarian Effectiveness: Managing Vulnerability & Risk Mapping

- Humanitarian Negotiations - UNOCHA

- Organizational Management training, by CARE International;

- Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) UNHCR/NRC)

Master of General Management - Project Management

University of Mysore

Master of Development Studies - Development Studies - Human Development

Jommo Kenyatta University-JKUAT

Bachelor’s Degree - Business Administration And Management

SIMAD University
Abdigafar MOHAMOUD